More Noises
Last night was pretty uneventful. I saw the final episode of the third season of The Wire, which was very good. The fourth season starts tonight. Last night I heard more strange noises, although these happened while I was watching TV. Whatever it was, at least it had the sense to wait until after The Wire had finished and before I had got into bed.
Today was another quiet day at work, as usual. There was a small amount of drama at the end of the day, when something had to be added to one of the computer systems (just really a fairly small thing that should have been fairly easily sorted out), however I was directed to contact the wrong place, and had to speak to about four people before I was told it was the worng place, and then it turned out for the right people to add the thing on the computer system they had to wait for authorisation from someone else. It was about that time I went home.
Today was another quiet day at work, as usual. There was a small amount of drama at the end of the day, when something had to be added to one of the computer systems (just really a fairly small thing that should have been fairly easily sorted out), however I was directed to contact the wrong place, and had to speak to about four people before I was told it was the worng place, and then it turned out for the right people to add the thing on the computer system they had to wait for authorisation from someone else. It was about that time I went home.