Last night I watched Misery, directed by Rob Reiner, and based on a novel by Stephen King. The movie tells the story of Paul Sheldon (played by James Caan) the best selling author of a series of historical romances, featuring the character Misery. Sheldon has decided to end the series and kill off Misery, so he can work on more literary fiction. After a car accident in the Colorado mountains, a badly injured Sheldon is rescued by nurse Annie Wilkes (played by Kathy Bates), who happens to be his "number one fan". However when she finds out that he has killed off her favourite character, and reads his unpublished manuscript, she is extremely angry, and demands that he brings Misery back, if he wants to live. It's a really good movie, with some great performances, especially from Kathy Bates. The novel was inspired by the highly negative fan reaction that King received for his non-horror fantasy novel The Eyes of the Dragon, and his feeling that he was trapped in the horror genre and unable to get away from it. For the director Rob Reiner, he was best known for comedies and wanted to make more dramatic films.
Today I went over to my parent's house for lunch, as usual for a Sunday. It was nice, we had some roast chicken, potato croquettes, peas and stuffing, with profiteroles and strawberries for dessert. This evening I was listening to the Just a Story podcast, which was telling the story of the lie detector test, which apparently was initially developed by William Marston, the same guy who created DC comics character Wonder Woman.
Today I went over to my parent's house for lunch, as usual for a Sunday. It was nice, we had some roast chicken, potato croquettes, peas and stuffing, with profiteroles and strawberries for dessert. This evening I was listening to the Just a Story podcast, which was telling the story of the lie detector test, which apparently was initially developed by William Marston, the same guy who created DC comics character Wonder Woman.
Labels: comics, horror, James Caan, Just a Story, Kathy Bates, Misery, movies, Rob Reiner, Stephen King, thriller, Wonder Woman