Friday, September 18, 2009


Yesterday I watched a few episodes of The Corner which is a very good series, and very faithful to the book. I also watched a few of the extras on The Double Life of Veronique DVD. There are about two and a half hours of extra features, including an interview with lead actress Irene Jacob, an interview with the director Krzystof Kieslowski, a French TV documentary about Kieslowski and a selection of Kieslowski's short documentary films from the 1970s and 80s. I watched a very short documentary film from the 1950s that was on the disc called The Musicians about factory workers in Poland who play in a brass band in their spare time. I listened to an episode of the Doctor Who radio series, in which the Doctor (Paul McGann) finds himself in what appears to be mythical Ancient Greece, however the locals have access to futuristic technology and the rulers have a gruesome procedure to ensure that they remain young forever. The radio Doctor Who shows tend to have much darker themes than the TV version. I think because it's on radio things can slip under the radar a bit more. I was also listening to the fourth part of A Caribbean Mystery.

Today I left work early to go to the doctor's surgery for my New Patient check-up. The check-up was done by the practice nurse who took my blood pressure, measured my height and weight and asked me questions about my life-style and medical history. It was pretty much okay, but apparently I am slightly overweight and could stand to lose a couple of pounds. They also forgot to ask me for a urine sample, so I will have to deliver that at some point during the week.

I am off work now until Wednesday, which should be good.

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