Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Last night I was watching the second episode of the new series of Torchwood. It was a really good one. The story involves every child on Earth suddenly stopping still and delivering strange messages, apparently foretelling the arrival of aliens to Earth. The creepy children reminded me a bit of that John Wyndham story The Midwich Cuckoos, in which the entire population of an English village suddenly fall asleep all at once one afternoon. When they all wake up, it turns out that every woman of child-bearing age is pregnant, and they give birth to apparently alien children with devastating psychic powers.

Later on I was watching the latest episode of The Wire. It's getting towards the end of the third season. I always find it amazing how that show mananges to tell one story over thirteen hour long episodes without it ever feeling stretched or artificial. It must take a lot of working out.

It was another quiet day at work today. The new work organisation that a number of the bosses had worked out yesterday lasted about three hours before it was abandoned. Also the work computer systems had to be shut down for half an hour this afternoon, which wasn't too bad, because I just read for half an hour.

At the moment I'm listening to the third and last of the Torchwood radio plays from last week, which I downloaded. They have been really good.

I had an idea for a TV show, but I might wait until I'm settled down in Canada before I write it. I'm still planning it and trying to work things ou about the move. Although, as I said earlier, it's easier said than done, it should still be possible.

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