Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Stressful Day

Last night was pretty quiet, as usual. I spent most of the time sitting reading and watching repeats of comedy shows on TV.

Today was kind of stressful at work, however. A bunch of the computer systems went down at around eleven in the morning and they still weren't properly working by the time I left at quarter to six which means that we'll all have extra work to do tomorrow to clear the back-log. Apparently they won't be letting people leave early tomorrow, which won't go down very well with a lot of people, but doesn't really affect me because I'm one of the few that works a full day on Friday anyway, however I bet it will be a really busy day and probably quite stressful.

The problem was that the computer systems got back up but only partly, so that a simple job that should have taken five minutes took literally two and a half hours.

One good thing was that someone at our desk brought all five of us working at the desk strawberry milkshakes from McDonalds, which was really nice.

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