Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Last night I watched most of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, directed by David Lynch. The movie was released in 1992 and was based on the Twin Peaks TV series. The show revolved around the investigation into the murder of high school student Laura Palmer (played by Sheryl Lee) in the small American town of Twin Peaks. The movie version is a prequel to the series, which opens with an FBI investigation into a similar murder a year previously and then goes on to depict the last seven days of Laura Plamer's life. The series was a kind of blend of murder mystery, soap opera, supernatural horror, surrealism and comedy with genuine warmth. The movie, however, pretty much takes everything that was dark, twisted and just plain weird from the show and makes it central, including making plain many of the darker subtexts of the show. It was a huge commercial failure pretty much everywhere, except for Japan where it was a huge hit. I've seen it many time before. I first saw it back in 1996 before I had seen any of the series, and so I didn't really understand the movie - although the movie is pretty obscure even for people who have seen the series. I've always liked it because it is scary, weird and genuinely moving at times. Watching it again brought back a lot of old memories from that time. I remember seeing David Lynch give a talk a couple of years ago, and he was asked if there was ever going to be any more Twin Peaks and Lynch replied that as far as he was concerned Twin Peaks was over, and he was finished with it.
On a side note, I really think that Twin Peaks had the best opening theme music of any TV series ever.
It was a really dull day at work again today. My cold is much better now, but it's still lingering slightly, so I didn't really have the patience for it all today, as I haven't really all week. However it should, hopefully, be all over with by the weekend.
I'm also still working on planning everything for the Canada move. I really hope that everything works out well with it all.
On a side note, I really think that Twin Peaks had the best opening theme music of any TV series ever.
It was a really dull day at work again today. My cold is much better now, but it's still lingering slightly, so I didn't really have the patience for it all today, as I haven't really all week. However it should, hopefully, be all over with by the weekend.
I'm also still working on planning everything for the Canada move. I really hope that everything works out well with it all.