Saturday, April 12, 2008

Busy Saturday

Last night I was watching an episode of the fourth season of the original series of The Twilight Zone called "Jess-Belle", in which a spurned woman visits an old local witch for a love potion, which works at first, but she soon finds that she has to pay a heavy price for it.

This morning I went out to meet my mum. We had coffee and a scone and then I had to go and get a passport picture taken and visit the building society. The buses were severely disrupted today due to a march in support of China.

We did some grocery shopping and then went back to my parent's house. It was nice. I had some sushi for lunch and the new issue of Sight and Sound had arrived during the week. The main feature this month concerned the riots and strikes in France in May 1968 and their influence on the French film industry.

I went home in time to see the latest episode of Doctor Who. I thought it was a good one this week, one of the better episodes of the later series.

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