Friday, April 08, 2011

Swamp Thing

Last night I wrote some more of the Script Frenzy script, and I managed to get to bed fairly early. I was in work for seven and there was a baguette run. I had a panini with cajun chicken, roast beef, savoury cheese, brie, jalapeno peppers and English mustard. It was really nice. I was on a half day and left at around half past eleven. The day was really beautiful, the weather all warm and sunny so I walked along to the comic-book store, which took about forty five mnutes walking from work, and I bought a couple of graphic novels of Swamp Thing written by Alan Moore. It was the Swamp Thing series that really made Alan Moore's name and are among the most acclaimed comic series ever written. I've been wanting to read them for ages. On my way home I had a couple of drinks, since it was so hot.

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