It's Finally Friday!
On my way home last night, I forgot to mention that I picked up the latest issue of Empire magazine which seemed to be mostly devoted to celebrating thirty years of Star Wars. I more or less grew up on the Star Wars films. Return of the Jedi was one of the first films I ever saw in a cinema and The Empire Strikes Back was the first film I ever saw on video. I also remember all the toys and merchandise that we used to get, like the toy light-up lightsabres that broke if you gave them so much as a light tap. The films are certainly far from perfect but they're still a lot of fun.
Today is my Dad's birthday so I spoke to him on the telephone this evening and wished him a happy birthday, we went out for his birthday on Sunday. As to work, it was quiet as ever on a Friday, because most people decide to leave early. I left fairly sharp at five, which makes a change from the usual six or seven o'clock, which is my usual time for leaving during the week.
Today is my Dad's birthday so I spoke to him on the telephone this evening and wished him a happy birthday, we went out for his birthday on Sunday. As to work, it was quiet as ever on a Friday, because most people decide to leave early. I left fairly sharp at five, which makes a change from the usual six or seven o'clock, which is my usual time for leaving during the week.