Monday, December 28, 2009


Last night I was playing some of Bioshock on the PlayStation 3. It is a pretty good game set in an underwater city called Rapture, where you play a character who has to go through the city in order to get to the surface, unfortunately most of the inhabitants of the city have been driven insane and violent by genetic engineering, and then there are these eerie little girls who are guarded by large powerful robots. However you can find weapons strewn around and also find money to buy various weapons and energy foods, along with various power-ups that give you special powers. You can also "hack" into vending machines so that you can get equipment and power-ups for free and also hack into security robots so that they attack enemies instead of you. It is a really fun game.

I also watched a Doctor Who story from 1969 called "The War Games". Basically The Doctor (who is played by Patrick Troughton) and his friends arrive in what they first believe to be the trenches of World War One, but soon discover that they are on an alien planet divided into various "Time Zones" each containing a historical war from Earth where brainwashed soldiers from Earth's past have been brought by aliens and forced to fight. It was pretty good.

Today I went out to the shops and bought a graphic novel called The Sandman: World's End written by Neil Gaiman, which means I have all ten volumes in the main Sandman saga now, and a book called The Diarists' Diary 2010. I also used one of my vouchers that I got for my brothday to get the CD soundtrack of the movie Magnolia and a DVD of Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl.

I have to go to work tomorrow for one day. After that, I'll be finished with work until the new year. It feels really weird that it has now been a decade since all the fuss about the Millennium and the "Y2K Bug" and everything. It does not feel as long as that at all.

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