Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back to Normal

It's been really quiet for the past couple of days. I didn't go out at all yesterday, and just stayed in on the internet and watching TV. I ended up dropping off on my couch while watching Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (which I think is a pretty funny show). I did manage to write the first poem that I've written in a couple of years.

I had been planning on going out to see Watchmen today, but I didn't get out in time and instead went out to renew my bus pass for another month and look at DVDs. I didn't buy anything though. I don't much like going to the shops unless I am actually going to buy something, but I couldn't really decide and eventually just went back home. On my way back I got some beer as a kind of treat for the evening. However, they didn't have any bags in the shop, and I dropped several of the bottles while I was trying to put the key in my door, but nothing was broken though, and I managed to collect them all.

I'm definitely going to try and make it up to see Watchmen tomorrow. I really want to see that film because I really liked the original graphic novel.

While I was away in Amsterdam I did come to the conclusion that I am probably my own worst enemy in many respects due to my supreme lack of self-confidence and total lack of faith in myself and my own talents, abilities and intelligence (if any).

I also had some really great ideas while I was hanging out in my favourite coffeeshop over there and can't remember a single one of them now.

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