On Target
Last night was pretty quiet again. I did some more of the script last night and made it up to 84 pages. I should reach the 100 page target in a couple of days which means I'll have a few days before the end of April to get things sorted out, if need be. I'm hoping to get it all done by the end of the weekend. I know I won't be able to get much if anything done on Tuesday, because that's when I'm going to see the 3D preview of Coraline. I watched the latest episode of The Apprentice which was pretty entertaining.
It was really busy and kind of stressful at work today. There was a lot of pretty difficult and very time-consuming jobs to be done, and also my computer locked itself for some reason and I couldn't use it for awhile, until they got it fixed. To kind of relax a bit I spent some time listening to my iPod, namely the soundtrack to the film Juno, and a couple of episodes of That Mitchell and Webb Sound.
I left work at about quarter past six and got a fish supper on my way home.
It was really busy and kind of stressful at work today. There was a lot of pretty difficult and very time-consuming jobs to be done, and also my computer locked itself for some reason and I couldn't use it for awhile, until they got it fixed. To kind of relax a bit I spent some time listening to my iPod, namely the soundtrack to the film Juno, and a couple of episodes of That Mitchell and Webb Sound.
I left work at about quarter past six and got a fish supper on my way home.