Surreal Animation
Last night I listened to an episode of The Twilight Zone on the radio, in which a British pilot from the First World War finds himself landing at an American Air Force base in the 1950s. It was a pretty good one. I've also been watching a few of the Jan Svankmajer short films that I got yesterday. Most of them are deeply surreal animated films. They don't really have storylines for the most part, frequently they involve ordinarly objects moving around with weird puppets and strange sound effects. Because most of them are so short they don't really outstay they're welcome. Apparently they were a big influence on the animations of Terry Gilliam and Tim Burton. I've often thought it would be fun to try animation but I have no talent whatsoever.
Later on I watched the latest episodes of True Blood and Generation Kill. I've really been getting into True Blood.
I think it's a hugely entertaining show.I was back at work today, and it was pretty much the usual stuff.
Later on I watched the latest episodes of True Blood and Generation Kill. I've really been getting into True Blood.
I think it's a hugely entertaining show.I was back at work today, and it was pretty much the usual stuff.
Labels: animation, radio, True Blood, Twilight Zone, work