Sunday, December 09, 2007


Well, I heard from Michele last night. She apologised for leaving it so long since she last contacted me and said that the reason was that she had added me on one of the social-network sites, but added me under an old account that I had made a couple of years ago, never used, and completely forgotten about. I've got two e-mail addresses and so, forgetting all about the previous one, I had made another account, which I did have people adding, and I did use. Michele found herself the only listed friend on my previous account, and thought that I was hiding something, or something was going on. I explained that that was not at all how it was, it was just a simple mistake, and so I deleted the old account and added her to the main one that I use. Michele thanked me for explaining and said that she should have spoken to me about it long ago. I really feel bad about it, because like I said, it was completely unintentional, and I really hope that she still wants to hang out.

This morning my parents came up and, while my dad finished painting the windowframes, my mum and myself went along to the Vue Cinema to see a free preview of the film Enchanted, directed by Kevin Lima. When we got there we had to wait almost an hour before the film started because the cinema apparently wasn't aware that they were supposed to be showing it and so they weren't ready. However the film was funny and entertaining. It opens in an animated, typical Disney movie style, about a princess in a fairy-tale land, who falls in love with a prince, but ends up being transported by his evil stepmother into a modern-day (live-action) New York. After the film, mum and I went along to John Lewis and had coffee and a scone, and then went around for a few minutes so mum could buy some golf balls for my dad's Christmas present, and then we met up with dad and went back to my parent's house for our weekly lunch (which was tacos today, flavoured with cheese, salad and salsa sauce). The latest issue of Sight and Sound magazine had arrived, so that was good, something to read.

The painting on my window frames is now finished, except for another coat needed in my bathroom, so that meant that I could put up my Christmas decorations, which certainly brightens the place up. That means that the process of installing the double glazing is almost finsihed now.

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