Saturday, December 01, 2007

Started Christmas Shopping

I was watching another couple of Twilight Zone episodes last night: "Still Valley", adapted from a story by Manly Wade Wellman, about a Confederate soldier during the American Civil War who discovers a spell that allows him to make people freeze in place, and "The Jungle" a scary story about a cynical New York businessman who falls victim to a powerful African curse.

Today I went in to Princes Street and renewed my bus pass for another four weeks and started doing some Christmas shopping. I bought the film Shooter on DVD for Alan, an M.C. Escher Rational Unreality 2008 calendar for my brother and the book Pyramids by Terry Pratchett for Joe, who has recently got really in to the Terry Pratchett "Discworld" novels. I'm quite glad that I've at least made a start on the shopping anyway. There's still quite a lot to be done, though. On my way home I went and got my groceries for the coming week.

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