Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Trip to the Dentist

I had an appointment at the dentist at quarter past nine this morning, but the bus was late, so I had to run up and get a taxi, I still ended up getting there a few minutes late and, because it was raining very heavily, I was completely soaked to the skin. The taxi wasn't too expensive and the appointment went okay. My teeth are pretty much okay, except that my wisdom teeth are coming in at an angle that could cause problems further down the line. They are okay at the moment, but I may need to have them removed sometime in the future.

I got into work at about ten past ten, and basically it was another very slow and very dull day. I was chatting with my friend Joe about how I was hoping to one day move to the States, Alan wants to join the Army and fight in Afghanistan, and Michele wants to move to New Zealand. Joe said: "Why would you want to live in the States? Why am I even asking that question? Who wouldn't want to live in the States?" I left work at around ten past six and went straight home.

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