Saturday, December 08, 2007

More Christmas Shopping

Last night I was watching the film Christine, a 1983 film directed by John Carpenter and based on a novel by Stephen King. 'Christine' is actually a car (a 1958 Plymouth Fury) which is bought in 1978 by a nerdy teenager. Although the car is little more than a wreck when he buys it, he soon manages to get it fixed up as good as new, however the teenager soon starts to show drastic changes in his personality and the car itself seems to have a disturbing mind of it's own. By and large, the film is relatively faithful to the book and is pretty entertaining. It has to be said as well, that the car in the movie does look pretty cool, and I'm not really into cars.

I also watched Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, which is a fairly average slasher film in which masked psychopath Michael Myers returns to finish off his young neice who now seems to have a psychic link with her murderous uncle, who manges to still find time to hack and slash his way through the usual party-loving teens. The trouble with so many horror sequels is that after you've seen one you've more or less seen them all.

Today has been pretty quiet. I went out today to finish off some Christmas shopping. I bought the DVD of Dirty Dancing for Jackie, and the book of The Star's Tennis Balls by Stephen Fry for my mum. I also bought some cards. The streets were absolutely clogged today, to the point where, at one section of the street that had been narrowed by half due to scaffolding, there was just a solid mass of people who could barely move in any direction. Also it was absolutely pouring with rain so many people had umbrellas, which made things worse. I really hate crowds and so I was starting to feel quite stressed, but I managed to get what I wanted and that, I hope, is my shopping done for this year. On my way home I got my groceries for the week.

When I got back I found a letter addressed to me, containing an electricity bill for around £7, apparently for an unmetered TV amplifier (I don't have a TV amplifier, unmetered or otherwise) covering the dates 31 December 2004 (six months before I moved in here) until 31 December 2007 (which is still three weeks away) so I don't know what is going on with that.

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