Sunday, December 02, 2007


Last night I was watching a film on television called Trekkies, directed by Roger Nygard. It was a documentary about Star Trek fans. The tone of it was pretty affectionate, but they have some of the really hard-core fans like a dentist who decorates his surgery like the Starship Enterprise and a woman who turned up for jury duty wearing a Star Trek uniform. A lot of it was quite funny. I used to be a big Star Trek fan when I was younger, and I went to a couple of conventions and I used to belong to a fan club, so I could recognise a few things in the film. I also watched a couple of episodes of The Twilight Zone: The first episode was "Once Upon a Time" which starred silent-movie legend Buster Keaton as an 1890s janitor who, unhappy with the busy pace of small-town life in the 1890s, finds a time helmet which transports him to 1960, in search of peace and quiet. The episode opens with a hilarious take on silent comedy, complete with slightly speede up action and no dialogue (silent-movie-style title-cards are used instead). The other one was called "Five Characters In Search of an Exit" about a disparate group of five people who find themselves in a featureless metal cylindar with no idea how they got there or why.

My dad came around this morning to continue painting the sills and frames around my windows. It managed quite well, but there will probably need to be another coat of paint added next week. I went round to my parents house for lunch (which this week was pieces of beef in a kind of spicy tomato sauce with peppers and onions in it, along with mashed potato and peas, followed by raspberry and gooseberry crumble), which was really nice. In the afternoon I helped my dad take the Christmas decorations down from the loft and wrap my brother's present. My dad had also found a box of some of my books, which I must have packed up before I moved out, and so I took those back with me.

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