Thursday, June 03, 2010

Film Festival Booked

Last night I was watching an episode of the second season of True Blood on DVD. I've got two episodes left to see of the season, which has been really great.

I had the day off today in order to book my tickets for the Film Festival. I managed to get tickets for The Runaways a film about the early career of Joan Jett starring Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning, HIGH School a comedy about stoners in high school, Mr. Nice a British film about a famous real-life drug dealer, Two in the Wave a documentary about the friendship between legendary French directors Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffat, The People vs. George Lucas a documentary about fans of the Star Wars films and how they feel about George Lucas after all the "special edition" re-releases and the prequels, and My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done? a film telling the true story of a murderer directed by Werner Herzog and produced by David Lynch. So that should be a good selection. I might get more later, but I managed to get the ones that I really wanted to see. The website I got the tickets from was really slow and for the first ten minutes showed all the tickets as being sold out, which resulted in me unleashing a barrage of bad language at the computer. It was only a glitch though and in the end it was all fine.

The rest of the afternoon has been quiet. I went out to the corner store briefly to get milk, sugar and chocolate bars. I also read a short Philip K. Dick story called "Imposter" in which a man is surprised to be accused of being an alien robot duplicate with an armed nuclear bomb in his chest. It was pretty good.

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