Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mr. Denton on Doomsday

Last night I listened to a radio adaptation of a Sherlock Holmes story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called "The Blanched Soldier" in which Sherlock Holmes helps an ex-soldier track down his missing friend, while Dr. Watson is away enjoying his honeymoon. It wasn't a bad story at all. Later on I watched an episode of The Twilight Zone called "Mr. Denton on Doomsday", with the audio commentary on which featured Martin Landau (who is probably best known for playing Bela Lugosi in the film Ed Wood). It was an interesting commentary, where Landau revealed that in his early days in Hollywood he appeared in so many Westerns that he developed a very painful rash between his legs from having to sit on horseback in saddles for so much time, he also said that during the early days of television the sets were so flimsy that it was a genuine worry for actors that the sets could fall down on top of them. I always think the best audio commentaries are ones where the speakers do have genuine affection for the show or movie, but at the same time are not blind to the flaws. Later on I watched another episode of True Blood on DVD.

It was another quiet day at work today. One of the team leaders had brought in food for one of the other teams and about two tables were full of four or five pizzas, platters of sandwiches, crisps, tortilla chips, miniature sausages, scotch eggs, dips, spicy chicken, cakes and so on as well as about six large bottles of fizzy drink. Most food at work, after about an hour, looks like it has been attacked by a plague of locusts, but because there was so much there was actually still a lot left and so a few of us who were staying in a bit later managed to have a couple of platefuls each, which was nice. I've taken tomorrow and Thursday off work for no real reason, but I think it'll be nice.

It's my Dad's birthday today and he phoned me up before I left for work this morning to thank me for his present, so I'm glad that he liked it.

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