Saturday, June 02, 2007

I just finished watching Last Year in Marienbad, directed by Alain Resnais.

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It's set entirely in a beautiful mansion, which has been turned into a hotel, and it's grounds. The story tells of an unnamed man and a similarly unnamed woman who may, or may not, have had an affair the previous year. The woman may, or may not, be married to someone else. It's a beautifully made film, but very obscure. Reality, memory and fiction blend together, actions and dialogue are repeated several times, and characters tend to freeze in time. Some people find it a mesmerising piece of art, while others find it a pretentious bore. It's kind of a cinematic puzzle in which the pleasure is more in the puzzle itself, rather than it's solution, because there really isn't one. I watched the film and all the special features on the DVD, and I still don't know what the movie was actually about.

Tonight's episode of Doctor Who was one of the best episodes of the show I've seen. I really hope that they keep it on. In my opinion, it's one of the very few things worth watching on TV.

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