Friday, May 18, 2007

A Half Day

I had a nice time with Michele yesterday evening. We met at a bar called Le Monde on george Street, which we went to when we met up last week. We were there for about two hours, before going our seperate ways.

I decided to take a half day from work today, not for any real reason, but just because I felt like it. I went to the New Yorker bar for my lunch and had a pepperoni and cheese panini, which was nice, served with nachos and salad. After that I went out and got a few T-shirts in the sales. I got a Clockwork Orange one, a Batman one and a shirt reading "Stay Classy, San Diego" (from the film Anchorman). Then I went down and bought a book as a present for my Dad's birthday next week.

I'm going out tonight with Michele and my friends Jackie and Alan, so that should be fun.

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