Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another Quiet Day (For a Change)

Last night was fairly quiet. I spent most of the time watching repeats of old comedy shows on TV and reading my books.

Today was pretty quiet as well, and I went straight on home after work, although I did stop to get a loaf of bread. I found a notebook of mine at the bottom of my bag this morning. It was full of a lot of random thoughts, because I used to carry it about with me and write on the spur of the moment. Actually, however boring this internet diary might be, my paper diaries would be an exercise in total tedium for any reader, as I write about my breakfast porridge, what I'm watching on TV, what is on my daily calendar and my thoughts and opinions about stuff (including some thoughts that may be slightly edging towards X-rated). I don't think they would make for a particularly entertaining or interesting read.

There is a Union meeting this Thursday to discuss possible strike action over the pay dispute.

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