Monday, July 14, 2008

Andrei Tarkovsky Collection

Last night I ordered a couple of DVDs on-line. I ordered Stalker, a weird science-fiction movie from Russia directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, and Solaris, the 1972 three hour Russian version from Andrei Tarkovsky. They only cost £14.98 for both of them together, when they would ordinarily cost about £24.99 each, so I got a good deal. Also I have kind of a collection of Andrei Tarkovsky films. They tend to be so slow that they are quite relaxing. Watching them can be quite meditative.

I was also watching some of the movie The Lost Boys, directed by Joel Schumacher. It's about a divorced woman who moves to a small Californian town with her two sons. The eldest of them (Jason Patric) ends up getting involved with the local gang who turn out to be vampires. It stars Keifer Sutherland as the leader of the vampire gang. It's quite a fun movie, and I've seen it a few times before.

Today started another week at work. It was a fairly quiet day, as it almost always is. I got back shortly before six.

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