Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted

Last night I was listening to a radio show called William Burroughs: Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted, presented by the musician Laurie Anderson, about the Beat author William Burroughs. It was very good actually, featuring recordings of Burroughs along with appropriately spaced-out music. It was actually very dream-like.

Another day at work and another day when one of the key computer systems came down. I wasn't able to do anything for about three hours this afternoon, which made it extremely tedious. After work I went to my evening class which went well. My story got a good reaction and the lecturer said that I had a "beautiful imagination", and that my work was extremely visual. I think it's the way my mind works, I tend to try to visualise things, which I think is part of the reason why I have always been attracted to reading, writing and movies. It may also explain why I have never been any good at maths, because I can't really visualise it. I enjoyed writing the story, but due to the limitation on the length, I wasn't able to put in everything that I wanted to, and I think it suffers from that. I am planning to expand it at some time though and I might write some more stories set in that world. For next week we have a choice of writing either a "journey story", a "suspense story", a "courtroom story" or a "moral story". I believe that I will go for suspense. Also next week I have my one-to-one tutorial with the tutor, so I'm more than a little nervous about that. No-one likes being told they're a stupid, talentless half-wit. But hopefully she wont tell me that.

I had my coffee at Beanscene as usual, and drank it while reading my latest book for the book group meeting on Tuesday (this month's book is Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier), but someone hadn't cleaned the table off properly and the back of my nice, new book got messed up, which I was less that pleased about.

I got home and watched an episode of Red Dwarf, which I must have seen about twenty times before. Speaking of writing, a show called Worlds of Fantasy is on TV tonight. This week it's about "The Epic Imagination" about the works of JRR Tolkien and Mervyn Peake, which should be well worth watching.

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