Saturday, March 01, 2008

Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie

Last night I was watching something I recorded from TV called Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie, which was a spin-off from a cable TV series in which a man is trapped on a space-station orbiting Earth with only three wisecracking robots for company and forced to watch bad 1950s "B" movies, and they make constant jokes throughout. For the movie they were showing the film This Island Earth, in which a group of scientists are brought together by a mysterious group, who turn out to be aliens from a dying planet who want to bring the scientists to their homeworld to help save it. I've never seen the show, but I've heard a lot about it, and the movie was pretty funny.

I went to my parent's house today instead of the usual Sunday (actually it works out well because I'm going out for lunch with Alice tomorrow). I got my groceries for the week with my mum, so that was good. It was a really nice afternoon. We were watching a James Bond film on TV called You Only Live Twice, which I only saw a couple of months ago on DVD. It was pretty good though.

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