Sunday, October 14, 2007


Last night was fairly quiet. I spent most of the time watching a bunch of episodes of 24 on DVD.

My mum came around quite early this morning and we wnet along to the Vue Cinema at Ocean Terminal to see the film Stardust, directed by Matthew Vaughn, and based on the novel by Neil Gaiman. The film opens in Victorian England, in a small town called Wall which is named after the long stone wall which seperates the country from a fantasy world called Stormhold. The story centres around a young man who crosses the wall to find a fallen star and bring it to the girl he loves, but who isn't bothered about him. He finds that the "star" is actually a woman, but he determines to take her to his girlfriend, in return for helping her return to the sky. However, a trio of evil witches want to find the star so they can kille her and thus restore their youth and beauty. There are also three princes who are each searching for the star, because she has a necklace which will allow one of them to become king. The film is hugely entertaining and very amusing in places. It stars Charlie Cox as the hero, Sienna Miller as the girl he loves, Claire Danes as the fallen star, Michelle Pfeiffer as a witch, Robert De Niro as a pirate captain and Ricky Gervais as a trader.

After the film we stopped at the cafe at Marks and Spencer and I had a cheese scone and a mocha coffee. Then we went back to my parent's house and had lunch (meatballs and pasta, in a pasta sauce with melted cheese).

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