Friday, October 05, 2007

The Jazz Bar

Today I managed to get in to work quite sharp today and built up some flexitime. I left work at around half past five and went up to The Jazz Bar, which is a small, basement bar that features live jazz music every evening. I met Michele there and we chatted for a bit. We went up to a place called The City Restaurant, for some fish and chips. That was really nice, because aside form that I had barely eaten today. We went back to the Jazz Bar and listened to an elderly jazz quartet who were very good. Michele had to leave at around quarter past ten because she had had an argument with her boyfriend, due to her staying out late on Wednesday night and being out tonight as well, despite the fact that she asked if he wanted to come out as well. I walked home and got back at about eleven.

I have Monday and Tuesday off work next week, so that should be fun.

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