Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Night Out

Yesterday was really busy. After work I went to my place with Joe, Jackie and Alan (stopping on the way for beer and pizzas). Joe and Jackie stayed for about an hour, because Joe had to go home and Jackie was due to meet some of her friends, but Alan was there until around nine, whereupon Alan and I went out. We went to a bar called Rush, that was supposed to be quite cheap and wasn't a bad place, although it certainly wasn't all that cheap. Then we went to a place called Siglo, which wasn't too bad and a club place called Espionage. We didn't stay long though, because Alan had a text message from Jackie asking us to meet her at a bar called Aspen, but it took ages to find the place. We left there with Jackie around one, and stopped off for a Subway. I had a six inch sandwich with ham, pastrami, salami, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise. Then we went our seperate ways, and I just walked home. We didn't really drink that much. Just a few bottles of beer at home and a couple of pints each at Rush. The reason for going to my place first was to save money. With the Alton Towers trip on Friday and Joe's 21st birthday the week after it's shaping up to be an expensive month.

My Mum came around today to take me for my lunch back home, because my Dad was playing golf, and their both off to Tunisia on holiday tomorrow. Mum and I got some grocery shopping for myself at Marks and Spencer. The DVD that I ordered a week and a half ago had arrived:
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