Saturday, July 21, 2007


After work last night I met up with Michele at Le Monde for a drink (we had originally intended meeting at my place, but I really hadn't had a chance to tidy the place up for the past couple of weeks, what with being away a couple of weeks ago and being ill last weekend). After our drink we went to Pizza Hut for something to eat and then went to a bar I'd never been before called The Dome, which was a very nice and very elegant looking place inside. Michele had a cocktail of some type there while I had a beer. The we went to another place I had never been before, a small Italian style cafe, where we were the only customers. It was a very nice evening. We seperated at around half past ten, and as I walked towards the bus stop on my way home I noticed a long queue snaking around the block, which turned out to be people waiting at a bookshop, which was having a special midnight opening because of the publication of the new Harry Potter book. When I got home I finished reading the third in the series (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) which I really enjoyed. I have been really enjoyig the books.

This morning I went up and went into Princes Street, to get the seventh book in the series which was just released. I looked everywhere, in about four different bookstores but almost all of them seemed to have sold out in the first morning, but I did manage to get the book (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling) and I also picked up another new book called Lisey's Story by Stephen King which was being sold for £3.49.

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