Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Comics and Documentaries

Last night I watched the first episode of a new three part TV series called Comics Britannia, tracing the history of British comic-books. This first episode dealt with the comedy comics for children such as The Beano and The Dandy, I can remember them really well. I used to read them when I was a kid, I especially liked The Beano, because I thought it was hilarious. The comic I remember buying every week was The Transformers. I must have bought that every week for over five years (until I was twelve and started buying Aliens). I used to go along to the corner shop every Sunday morning and get the six soft brown rolls for lunch, Mum's Observer and my Transformers. Back in simpler, happier times.

I also watched a documentary film called Overnight, which was about this guy named Troy Duffy, a Boston bartender who sold a script for a film called The Boondock Saints to Miramax Films for a lot of money and also managed to get his band signed to Madonna's record label. At first he looks like he has absolutely got it made, but it all starts to fall apart, mainly due to his own massive amounts of arrogance and paranoia. It's an interesting film, but it's really hard to have any sympathy for the guy, mainly because he is so unpleasant.

Today was another dull day at work. There were special team meetings however, about massive re-organisations that are coming up. No-one really knows where they'll be going or who their new bosses will be and so rumour and speculation are flying all over the place.

After work I went out to renew my bus pass for another month.

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