Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Today was another quiet day at work. My friend Alan lent me a DVD box-set of the first series of a show called Entourage, which Alan is a big fan of.

I left work at around half past four and was travelling for over an hour to get to the Cineworld cinema to meet my mum. The journey should have only take about twenty minutes to maybe half an hour, but the streets were busy and the bus was stuck in traffic. I didn't get ther in time to it and have a coffee in the cinema bar like I usually do when I go with mum but at least we were in time for the film.

The film that we saw was La Vie en Rose which was directed by Olivier Dahan and starred Marion Cotillard as the legendary French singer Edith Piaf (also known as "The Little Sparrow"). The film tells the story of Piaf's life from her miserable, poverty-stricken childhood in Paris, as she starts to earn money by singing in the streets, where she is discovered by a nightclub owner who hires her as a singer. There she starts a long and controversial rise to the height of international fame during the 1940s and 50s, depsite being plagued by personal tragedy, substance abuse and her own failing health. It was a very good film, with superb performances. The film flashes backwards and forwards through Piaf's life. The music, which is mostly from Piaf's records because the director did not think that anyone else could match her distinctive voice, is great. I thought it was a very interesting film and I enjoyed it. My mum really liked it too.

I went back to my parents for dinner (meatballs, pasta, and melted cheese in a pasta sauce) so that was very nice.

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