Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Seventh Seal

Last night I watched the 1957 Swedish film The Seventh Seal, directed by Ingmar Bergman, on TV. The film is set in medieval Sweden ravaged by the Black Death (bubonic plague) and concerns a knight, Antonius Block (played by Max von Sydow), and his cynical squire (Gunnar Bjornstrand) who have just returned home from the Crusades. On the shore Block meets Death (Bength Ekerot) who tells him that his time is up. However Block, who has become disillusioned following his experiences and is tormented by religious doubts, does not want to die until he has found some kind of meaning to life and so he challenges Death to a game of Chess while he searches for answers to his questions. It's a very powerful film and one of the classics of world cinema. It's reviewed over at Permanently Weird. Today I got in to work at around half past eight and was there for six hours. There was a baguette run today and I had a panini with roast beef, cajun chicken, brie, savoury cheese, jalapeno peppers, English mustard and onion. After work I went up to the comic book store and got issues of Spawn, Batman and Robin, Northlanders, Fables Are Forever, Hellboy, The Unwritten, Red Robin, Daken: Dark Wolverine, Batman: Arkham and The Li'l Depressed Boy (which is a really good series, very similar to the Scott Pilgrim comics). I got home at around four.

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