Thursday, July 01, 2010

The Tripods

Last night I wrote some more of my script and watched another episode of Blake's 7 on DVD. The episode that I was watching was one which I got on video back in 1994, and I could remember absolutely nothing about it. It's really weird how memory works, because there some TV shows that I've not seen since the 80s and yet I still have very vivid memories of them. I remember this show from the mid eighties called The Tripods which was about aliens in giant machines which controlled people's minds with these weird glowing machines implanted into their skulls. I just remember thinking the Tripod machines themselves were really cool and, when I was a kid, the mind control machines really freaked me out.

It was another really dull and quiet day at work, but one good thing is that I have managed to get tomorrow and Monday off on annual week. Yay! Four day weekend! :)

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