Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Yet Another Workday

I was watching another few episodes of Torchwood on DVD last night. Today was another fairly dull day at work. This afternoon we had to go to one of the annual talks that the overrall boss of the organisation gives. It's supposed to give an overview of the previous year and detail their plans for the future, whereas in reality it's just half an hour of sitting there being bored. It was pretty warm today but very muggy. I tend to get mild hayfever, and today my nose was just streaming all day (I know that's probably too much information).

After work I went along with my friend Joe to the New Yorker bar and had a couple of pints of beer. Joe's girlfriend, Heather, joined us after about an hour.

I stopped off on my way back to get some milk, and I got back in shortly before eight.

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